Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Did you know that during the 6th Week of Easter is when the solemnity of the Ascension is celebrated? This always falls on a Thursday and is when Jesus returns to His Father in Heaven. In many diocese the church continues the celebration of the Ascension during the following weekend.

A custom that has been around for a long time is to bless the first fruits of spring on Ascension Day. This is done to remember Jesus’ blessing of his apostles the first fruits of his mission here on earth.

If you have a garden there may be some first fruits you can harvest such as parsley, rhubarb even peas or flowers can be used. If not you could visit the produce section at the grocery store to get some produce or check out what the Farmer’s Market might have to offer. Once you have some fresh garden produce or flowers gather your family for a blessing before dinner using the following prayer from “Take Me Home” published by Liturgy Training Publications:
“Bless, O Lord, these fruits that you have brought to maturity by the dew of heaven by plentiful rains and by tranquil and favorable weather. You have given us this food for our use that we may receive it with thanks in the name of Jesus Christ, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.”

Another way to celebrate Ascension Day is to have a picnic. You can be outside to do some cloud gazing and take in all of the wonderful springtime sites that abound throughout the Easter Season. If you can’t be outdoors for a picnic due to weather consider having an indoor picnic on your living room floor. The possibilities are endless on how to celebrate the Risen Lord’s Ascension into Heaven to be with his Father.

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