Thursday, July 3, 2014


This is the month that the citizens of the United State celebrate the birth of our country. Specifically we do this on July 4th. Is there something special that you do to celebrate the birth of our nation? Some of us will go on picnics, or maybe make homemade ice cream. Does anyone make a red, white and blue dessert? This is also a day that memories are created not only for our families and friends but for our country as well why else would we be celebrating if not to remember?

Fireworks are also part of this annual celebration. Does your family go and watch an area fireworks display or perhaps you have your own version of fireworks at your home? When the fireworks go off it like hearing thunder and creating a rainstorm of colorful and sparkling streaks in the sky. One of the reasons for fireworks is to chase away what is bad and welcome what is good into our lives. What bad needs to be chased away in our country? What good can be helped along? Are there ways we can make our land brighter?

As we celebrate on July 4th this year keep in mind that this wonderful country of ours was created by courageous men who were putting their lives and in most cases their fortunes on the line to defend what they stood for, that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” To these courageous men liberty was an outcome of human dignity and wanting to protect human dignity was the reason there was a war of independence. As we celebrate this day perhaps there is a way you can think of to promote human dignity and the right to pursue happiness and in doing that you would be making our land brighter.

Have a very safe and joyful 4th of July!

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