Thursday, May 27, 2010

Solemnity of hte Most Holy Trinity

Discussion Questions for Reading 1 - Proverbs 8:22-31: What images of Jesus come to you as you think of him as a craftsman, as "playing upon the earth," and as delighting to be with us? How can you picture yourself as a companion of Jesus, the Wisdom of God? How could you begin to become such a companion and friend?
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 - Romans 5:1-5: Can you find all three persons of the Blessed Trinity in this reading? (Note: The reference to "God" is taken to mean "God the Father.") What is your attitude toward "affliction" or hard times? How do you keep hope alive when you are experiencing hard times? How do you help your friends to have hope when they go through hard times?
Discussion Questions for Gospel - John 16:12-15: We often use a triangle as a symbol for the Trinity. Each side is equal, and each of the three sides make one triangle. In the Trinity, all three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are equal. Each one is God, yet one is not "more God" than the other. Together, they are one God. Saint Patrick used a shamrock to describe the Trinity. A shamrock is one plant with three leaves. Can you think of or design a symbol or sign that helps you relate to the Trinity?

Friday, May 14, 2010

7th Sunday of Easter

Discussion Questions for Reading 1 - Acts 1:1-11: Have you ever felt caught between the past and the future? Have you ever been challenged to let go of the good things of the past in order to be ready for the good things yet to come? The ascension of Jesus told the apostles and tells us that Jesus' presence with us will no longer be the same as it was. He will be with us, but in a different way. He will be with us by the grace of Baptism and the other sacraments, in the power of the Holy Spirit. How was the ascension of Jesus a "call to action" for the apostles? How is it a "call to action" for the Church today? How is it a "call to action" for you?
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 - Ephesians 1:17-23: How can you know "the hope" to which you are called? How will "the eyes of your hearts be enlightened"?  Just a reminder: prayer involves listening to God as well as talking to God. How can you listen to God as he speaks through the scriptures? a homily? the events of your day? One way might be to pray this question after reading scripture or hearing a homily or mulling over an event of the day: "Holy Spirit, what do you want me to know? What is in this for me?" Listen quietly for a moment. You may recall a word or phrase from the scripture or homily. Remember it and repeat it often during the day. The meaning may be obvious at once, or it may become clear gradually. Your faith, hope, and love will be strengthened.
Discussion Questions for Gospel - Luke 24:46-53: The ascension is the last of the appearances of the risen Jesus to his apostles. In a way, we can say that he "saved the best 'til last," because at this time Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to the apostles. At the time, they had no idea what "power from on high" would mean for them or how this Power would change their lives. 
How do you feel when someone makes a promise to you like, "We're going someplace special on Sunday"? Or, "I promise to help you with your math every night"? Sometimes the promise is a promise of a surprise. "Be sure to come next week because we're having a surprise." How do you feel while you wait for the surprise? How do you feel when the promise (even if it isn't a surprise) is kept? 
Pentecost was Jesus' big surprise for his apostles. How does the Holy Spirit surprise you in your life? How do you and the Holy Spirit work together to surprise others? How could you, your group, and the Holy Spirit work together to surprise the poor, the sick, the lonely, or others in need?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

6th Sunday of Easter

Discussion Questions for Reading 1 - Acts 15:1-2, 22-29: Notice that the resolution to this question and the peace that followed did not come automatically from "on high." Paul, Barnabas, and some others had to travel to a meeting in Jerusalem. There were discussions. Finally, a decision was made that was "the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us." What does it take to make and keep peace in your family? your group of friends? your class at school? your workplace?  Is there a situation in your life now that needs a peaceful solution? What steps can you take to help that happen? How will you know that your solution is "of the Holy Spirit?"
Discussion Questions for Reading 2 - Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23: In this reading, "the holy city, a new Jerusalem" is an image of the Church. It is an image of beauty and light. How can you make the Church more beautiful? How can you help the Church to follow the light of Jesus?
Discussion Questions for Gospel - John 14:23-29: If Jesus' gift to us is peace, why do we so often lack peace in our hearts, in our homes, and in our world? What does loving Jesus and being true to his word have to do with the gift of peace that he promises?
We believe that God is Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The sign of the cross that we pray so often affirms our faith. One day this week, be aware of yourself as a child of God the Father. How does this affect you, your attitudes, your prayers? Another day, be aware of the gift of Jesus to us. How does this affect you, your attitudes, your prayers? Another day, be aware of the Comforter, God the Holy Spirit, that Jesus promised. How does this awareness of the Spirit affect you, your attitudes, your prayers?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Amazing gRace 2010

In its second year the Amazing gRace was again a great success! We had 6 teams of teens, along with their driver/chaperone who were given clues that led them around the city of Eau Claire and ended up back at St. Olaf. The clues gave the teens an idea of what it would be like to be unemployed with a family, no money and nowhere to live. They started out in “the Loft” with their first team challenge to complete to receive the first clue, once they had the clue they left to discover what the next stop would be ending up with the challenge of figuring out what the letters given with each clue read: Clue 1 – B, Clue 2 – E, Clue 3 – A, Clue 4 – O, Team Challenge Two – N, Team Challenge Three – HOUSE. You guessed it they ended up at Beacon House in Eau Claire, a homeless shelter for families in our area. The teens spent time talking to a staff member and one or two of the clients staying at the shelter. They were to find out the mission of Beacon House and what they could do to become involved in the mission of the Beacon House. Now when the sign-up boards for volunteers at Beacon House go up in the Gathering Space at St. Olaf these teens will have a better understanding of what it is to be a client and a worker at this great place on the corner of Lake and Barstow Streets, and we will see their names on the list to help.