Thursday, July 28, 2016

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Seeking balance

Reading I: Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21–23 (on vanity)
Reading II: Colossians 3:1–5, 9–11 (mystical death and resurrection)
Gospel Luke 12:13–21 (trust in God, not in possessions)

Key Passage: And Jesus said to them, “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

Adult: When have you felt that possessions were becoming too important in your life?
Child: Have you ever received a gift you wanted a lot and then found it didn’t make you as happy as you thought it would?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Daily prayer

Reading I: Genesis 18:20–32 (Abraham intercedes for Sodom)
Reading II: Colossians 2:12–14 (sovereign role of Christ)
Gospel: Luke 11:1–13 (the Our Father)

Key Passage: Jesus said, “So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” (Luke 11:9)

Adult: Have your most recent prayers been prayers of praise, petition, or sorrow? Which kind of prayer do you need to practice more often?
Child: What are you most thankful for right now?

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Holy Visitors

Reading: I: Genesis 18:1–10a (Abraham’s visitors)
Reading: II: Colossians 1:24–28 (the mystery: Christ in us)
Gospel: Luke 10:38–42 (Martha and Mary)

Key Passage: Jesus said to Martha, “There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)

Adult: Which response to God’s call is more natural to you—prayer or action? Why?
Child: In the past week, when have you prayed and when have you done good things for others? Which could you do better?

Friday, July 8, 2016


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Acting with mercy

Reading I: Deuteronomy 30:10–14 (God’s command clear)
Reading II: Colossians 1:15–20 (Christ’s fullness and reconciliation)
Gospel: Luke 10:25–37 (the good Samaritan)

Key Passage: But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. (Luke 10:33–34)

Adult: When have you gone out of your way to help a stranger in need?
Child: Would you help a new student who needed help? Why or why not?