Thursday, June 27, 2013

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Reading 1: 1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Reading 2: Galatians 5:1, 13-18; Gospel: Luke 9: 51-62
Adults: When have you faltered or looked back during your journey of faith?
Child: What can you do to be a stronger follower of Jesus this week?

Reimagining the ‘Fortnight’ - Busted Halo

Click on this link: Reimagining the ‘Fortnight’ - Busted Halo

Monday, June 24, 2013

Week of June 24-June 30

Tuesday, June 25: Women's Faith Sharing Group, 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM; Thursday, June 27: Men's Faith Sharing Group, 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

1st Reading: Zechariah 12:19-11, 13:1; 2nd Reading: Galatians 3:26-29; GospelLuke 9:18-24
Adult: Which crosses in your life do you find especially heavy? What or who helps you bear them?
Child: When you have something hard to do, what or who helps you get through it?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week of June 17-23

Tuesday, June 18: Women's Faith Sharing Group, 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM; Thursday, June 20: Men's Faith Sharing Group, 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Friday, June 14, 2013

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Reading One: 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13; Reading Two: Galatians 2:16, 19-21; Gospel: Luke 7:36-8:3
Adults: Whom does your Christian faith call you to forgive right now? How hard will this be for you?
Child: When is it hard for you to forgive someone who has hurt you? What can help you forgive?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Virtual Father’s Day Retreat - Busted Halo

For all of the wonderful Father's out there who do not have the time to head off on a retreat away from home try this Virtual Fahter's Day Retreat from Busted Halo by clicking on this link: Virtual Father’s Day Retreat - Busted Halo

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week of June 10-16

Tuesday, June 11: Women's Faith Sharing Group, 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM; Grief Support Group, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, R2; Thursday, June 13: Men's Faith Sharing Group, 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM; Sunday, June 16: Happy Father's Day

Thursday, June 6, 2013

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

First Reading: 1 Kings 17:17-24; Second Reading: Galatians 1:11-19; Gospel: Luke 7:11-17
Adults: What might a greater sense of compassion allow you to do for someone this week?
Child: When do you try to understand what another person was feeling?

Busted Halo Summer School 2013 - Busted Halo

Here is this year's summer school calendar from: Busted Halo Summer School 2013 - Busted Halo

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June Saint of the Month

St. Marianne Cope, O.S.F. Missionary to the lepers of Molokai, Hawaii

St. Marianne Cope was a born leader. Growing up as one of the older children of a large family, she went to work in a factory right after finishing the eighth grade. She joined the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis a few years later, and began a whirlwind of leadership roles: twice as the novice mistress of her congregation, and three times as the superior of St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse. This leadership, coupled with her sympathy for mankind in general, led her to volunteer to go to Hawaii to take care of the lepers. She was finally stationed in Molokai, where she brought education and happiness to the leper colony: even providing bright scarves and pretty dresses for the women. To read more about this determined and yet charming woman, check out the websites below!

For more information on St. Marianne Cope, O.S.F. click on this link: 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Papal Intentions for June

General Intention: That a culture of dialogue, listening, and mutual respect may prevail among peoples.
Mission Intention: That where secularization is strongest, Christian communities may effectively promote a new evangelization.

Week of June 3 - 9

Tuesday, June 4: Women's Faith Sharing Group, 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM; Thursday, June 6: Men's Faith Sharing Group, 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM; Friday, June 7: Exhibition of the Blessed Sacrament, beginning at 9:00 AM and ending at noon with Benediction.