Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week of September 30 - October 7

Tuesday, Ocober 2: Women's Prayer Group, 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM in the Gathering Space; Wednesday, Ocober 3: Religious Education Classes, Grades 1-6 - 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM, Grade 8, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, HSYM - 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Thursday, October 4: Men's Prayer Group, 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM in the Gathering Space, Genesis to Jesus Presentation 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the St. Olaf Parish Conference Room; Friday, October 5: St. Olaf Men's Club Fish Fry serving 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Fr. Robert Agnew Parish Center; Saturday, October 6: Day of Grief and Consolation, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the St. Olaf Parish Conference Room.

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (Is For Us)

First Reading: Numbers 11:25-29 (Be A Prophet); Second Reading: James 5:1-6 (Be Just); Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (We Have Seen)
Adults: Have I ever scandalized anyone with my behavior at home, workplace or parish? What did I learn from the experience?
Children: Does it bother me when another child takes the glory for something I did? How do I react in those situations?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (Be servant to all)

First Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (The Just Annoys Us); Second Reading: James 3:16—4:3 (Be Pure); Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (What were you arguing about?)
Adults: How can I be a servant to the most vulnerable among my family and friends? How can I serve him or her?
Children: Do I understand that treating those who I do not like with kindness is a way of serving Jesus himself?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week of September 16-22

Sunday, Sept. 16: Catechetical Sunday, take the time to thank those who work with the your of our parish and deanery; Conference Room Open Housen after Masses Tuesday, Sept. 17 Women's Prayer Group, 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM in the Gathering Space; Wednesday, Sept. 18 Catechist Potluck and Beginning of the Year Meeting, 6:00 PM in the Gathering Space; Thursday, Sept. 19 Men's Prayer Group, 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM in the Gathering Space

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (You are the Messiah)

First Reading: Isaiah 50:5-9a (I Offered my Back); Second Reading: James 2:14-18 (Faith In Works); Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Who am I?)
Adults:What is one thing that I can do every day this week to show others that Jesus is the Messiah? 
Children: What can I do this week to be a friend to someone who really needs one?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

2012 - 2013 Religious Education

The packets for the 2012 - 2013 Religious Education Registration have been sent out.  Classes will begin Wednesday, September 26 with a Family Mass at 6:15 and classroom visitations after Mass to pick up any paperwork needed to be filled out and your child/ren's text book/s.  And best of all to meet the catechist and his/her aide.  These will be the ladies and gentlemen who will be sharing thier faith with your child/ren this year, so it is important that you meet them and that they meet you.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

“Ephphatha!” – that is “Be opened!”
Have you ever been accused of being closed-minded or tight-lipped?  Has someone ever suggested that when (s)he was talking with you that it was like talking to a brick wall? 
Have you ever been hesitant to speak up?
All of these suggest that you need to have Jesus speak the same words to you.
Do you believe this encounter will make you more open to listen and to speak?
(from the cl Weekly newsletter)

September Prayer Intentions Of Pope Benedict XVI

That politicians may always act with honest, integrity, and love for the truth.

That Christian communities may have a growing willingness to send missionaries, priests, and lay people, along with concrete resources, to the poorest Churches.