Thursday, February 25, 2016

Third Sunday of Lent, Year C

Tempered with humility

Reading I: Exodus 3:1–8b, 13–15 (the call of Moses)
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:1–6, 10–12 (against overconfidence)
Gospel: Luke 13:1–19 (calls to penance; parables of the reign of God)

Key Passage: The reign of God is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches. (Luke 13:19b)

Adult: What important work could bear fruit in your life right now if you have more confidence in God’s loving care?
Child: What great work would you like to do as you grow older? What can you do to begin now?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Second Sunday of Lent, Year C

Transformed by Christ

Reading I: Genesis 15:5–12, 17–18 (the covenant with Abram)
Reading II: Philippians 3:17—4:1 (Christ our goal)
Gospel: Luke 9:28b–36 (Jesus transfigured)

Key Passage: But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:20)

Adult: How are your priorities affected by your faith in Jesus Christ?
Child: When you have important choices to make, do you and your family pray to make the right choice?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

First Sunday of Lent, Year C

Salvation through faith

Reading I: Deuteronomy 26:4–10 (thanksgiving for the Lord’s goodness)
Reading II: Romans 10:8–13 (the faith of the Christian)
Gospel: Luke 4:1–13 (temptation in the desert)

Key Passage: For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

Adult: How willing are you to profess your faith in Jesus Christ openly to others?
Child: Would you still be able to say that you believe in Jesus if others made fun of you for it?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

40 Prayers for 40 Days for Children

During Lent take time to talk with God every day. It won’t take long and you will pray for someone or something different each day.

February 10 – Pray for Father Paul
February 11 – Pray for all teachers
February 12 – Pray for our president and congressional leaders
February13 – Pray for Pope Francis
February 14 – Pray for children waiting to be adopted
February 15 – Pray for the homeless
February 16 – Pray for the police and the firefighters
February 17 - Pray for those who are suffering
February 18 - Pray for your friends from church
February 19 - Pray for Deacon Bob
February 20 - Pray for doctors and nurses
February 21 - Pray for military veterans
February 22 - Pray for all priests and deacons
February 23 - Pray for newborn babies
February 24 - Pray for all the Saints
February 25 - Pray for you own personal intention
February 26 - Pray for your classmates
February 27 - Pray for your neighbors
February 28 - Pray for those who are lonely or sad
February 29 - Pray for your school principal
March 1 - Pray for new classmates at your school
March 2 - Pray for Bishop Callahan
March 3 - Pray for someone who feels left out
March 4 - Pray for faith formation leaders
March 5 - Pray for those actively serving in the military
March 6 - Pray for family members
March 7 - Pray for someone who is scared
March 8 - Pray for someone who has passed away
March 9 - Pray for volunteers at your church
March 10 - Pray for children that have a sick mom or dad
March 11 - Pray for your relationship with Jesus
March 12 – Pray for someone who is sick
March 13 - Pray for your grandparents
March 14 - Pray for your parents
March 15 - Pray for senior citizens
March 16 - Pray for your godparents
March 17 - Pray for all world leaders
March 18 - Pray for those who are hungry
March 19 - Pray for adults who are unemployed and looking for work
March 20 - Pray for someone who has hurt your feelings
March 21 - Pray for your best friend
March 22 - Pray for children living in places of war
March 23 - Pray for moms and dads that have lost a child
March 24 - Pray for all the people at your church

Friday, February 5, 2016

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Stretching our limits

Reading I: Isaiah 6:1–2a, 3–8 (call of Isaiah)
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 (Christ’s resurrection)
Gospel: Luke 5:1b–11 (call of the first disciples)

Key Passage: Simon Peter fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” (Luke 5:8,10b)

Adult: When have you felt inadequate to a task or role you were given? How did you respond?
Child: When have you been asked to do something you felt might be too hard for you? What did you do?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Pope Francis' prayer intentions for February 2016

Universal: Care for Creation - That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given–cultivating and protecting it for future generations.

Evangelization: Asia - That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia.