Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Feast of the Archangels

Did you know that today, September 29, is the Feast of the Archangels?  What is an archangel you say?  Well I think you will recognize their names and know that they are messengers from God.  Another name for the day is Michaelmas Day since Michael the Archangel is one of the angels honored today.  Michael the Archangel is the leader of the ranks of angels, he also is known as the guardian and protector of Israel.  Michael is the patron saint of Germany, England and a few more countries.  He, also, is patron saint of the sick, radiologists, grocers, mariners, police officers, paratroopers and cemeteries.  Gabriel the Archangel is one I am pretty sure you may have heard of since he is the angel who appeared to Zechariah announcing that he and Elizabeth would have a son, John the Baptist and Gabriel, also, is the angel who appeared to Mary announcing the conception of Jesus.  Gabriel is the patron saint of Argentina, those engaged in telecommunications (radio, TV and telephone), messengers, diplomats, postal employees and stamp collectors.  Raphael the Archangel is God's messenger who hears people's prayers and brings them before God (Tobit 12:12, 15).  Raphael is the patron saint of travelers, physicians, nurses, lovers, health inspectors and the sightless.

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