Friday, December 11, 2009

3rd Sunday of Advent

Questions for Reading 2: Joy is a gift of God. Sometimes we have to ask for it. Sometimes it takes an effort to set aside our worries or expectations of the future and to be happy in the present moment. Sometimes, to "get joy," we have to give joy first! How can you do this in a little way today?  Sometimes we need to stop and notice the peace and joy already in our lives. What can you notice today? The smile of a friend? A snow-covered tree? A favorite verse from Scripture?  What little thing can you do to rejoice and "give joy" unselfishly during these days before Christmas? Try to do something each day, one day at a time.
Discussion Questions for Gospel: Did you know that the name John means "gift of God"? How was John the Baptist a gift to the people of his time? What gifts did he bring to them?  Think of people who are gifts in your life. Do not forget those who, like John the Baptist, remind you to live as a just and peaceful person! Pray for those people.

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