Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prudence, January's Virtue

What is the virtue of prudence?

   Prudence is right judgment. The natural virtue of prudence is about making right decisions from a purely natural perspective and the supernatural virtue of prudence is about making good decisions in accordance with God’s will, which is the very best for me, that will benefit me now and eternally.
   The natural virtue of prudence is basically common sense in sound judgment regarding practical matters. It assists people to arrange their lives and activities in order to achieve the goal of a happy life. It is naturally prudent to look both ways before crossing the street..
Why do we need the virtue of prudence?
   Prudence helps the intellect to see the right thing to do and to choose the right means for achieving it. Choosing wisely involves taking good counsel while obtaining knowledge from the past and present.  Prudence entails the application of good moral principles to particular cases allowing us to know what to seek and what to avoid. 
   Prudence is necessary in order to seek the common good for all.
   Teach children how to make good judgments, thereby developing the virtue of prudence. This will include seeking good counsel, studying the Catholic Faith, and growing strong in God’s grace through daily prayer and reception of the Sacraments.

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