Thursday, July 22, 2010

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reading 1Genesis 18:20-32: What does justice mean to you? What does mercy mean to you?  As Jesus said, both the weeds and the wheat will grow together until the final harvest. We must learn to live with people who do not always do the right or the best thing, who are weak and sinful. And sometimes those people are us! Can we be merciful toward people who are sinful and weak, including ourselves? How? Our natural tendency is to get even with those who hurt us, to administer our own kind of "justice." What does this story have to say about that?
Reading 2Colossians 2:12-14: God does not use his power to force us to pray, or to help others, or to forgive. When do you experience the power of God in your life?  How can you show your gratitude to Jesus this week for dying and rising for us?
Gospel - Luke 11:1-13: Imagine that you are in the group of disciples who asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Are you surprised that this prayer seems so simple and easy?

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