Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Mary, Mother of God!

Did you know that September 8 is the anniversary of Mary’s, the Mother of Jesus, birth? We should all plan on celebrating this wonderful day, for without her birth and yes to the Angel she would not have been the Mother of God. And remember Mary was born without sin so she would be able to carry Jesus in her womb.

We all celebrate our birthdays with parties, cards, a special meal, a cake or good wishes from family and friends. What would happen if we celebrated the other milestones associated with our birth? What are those you ask? Well most likely you were given a Saint’s name when you were born. You could research what Saint is associated with your given name. When you discover who the Saint is you could then find out his or her feast day and celebrate on that day with a special meal etc. The other special milestone associated with our birth would be your Baptism when you were born into the new life of Jesus.

Some people have several names. Mary, the Mother of Jesus is also known by, “rose of Sharon and lily of the valley.” What you say why those names? The names actually come from the Bible. The Old Testament to be exact in the Song of Songs. So since Mary’s birthday is September 8 and we celebrate that day in her honor anyone with the name Rose or Rosa, Sharon, Lily or Lillian, Mary or any of its variations like Marie, Maureen, Miriam etc. has a name day that day and that would call for a name day celebration.

Even if you don’t have a name that derives from Mary the Mother of God you can celebrate her birthday. You could have a statue of Mary on your table for the day and place roses by the statue. Have a special meal and use your “good” dishes to make everything feel special. And of course you need to have a birthday cake because what is a birthday celebration without cake?

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