Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 29th: There will be Religious Education classes for grades 1-6 beginning at 6:15 PM and ending at 7:30 PM; Religious Education Class for grade 7 beginning at 6:00 PM and ending at 7:30 PM; High School Youth Ministry will meet in the Loft beginning at 7:00 PM and ending at 8:30 PM. 
Friday, October 1 the Saint Olaf Men's club will be having an all you can eat fish fry in the Fr. Robert Agnew Parish Center, serving 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM. 
Saturday and Sunday, October 2 & 3 will be the St. Olaf Ministry Fair after all of the Masses in the Fr. Robert Agnew Parish Center. 
Sunday, October 3 there will be a breakfast in the Fr. Robert Agnew Parish Center, serving 9:00 AM until noon.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Family Day – September 27, 2010

This is a national initiative to remind parents that “what your kids really want at the dinner table is YOU!” It’s amazing to me that we have to set a national day for this initiative.  Take the pledge and Become a Family Day STAR! You can pledge at http://casafamilyday.org/familyday/get-involved/pledge-now. The website also includes “7 Secrets to Successful Family Dinners” plus two short public announcement videos you can watch. Here is the pledge.
I commit to:
S- Spend time with my kids by having dinner together
T- Talk to them about their friends, interests and the dangers of drugs and alcohol
A- Answer their questions and listen to what they say
R- Recognize that I have the power to help keep my kids substance free!

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - (Using Gifts Wisely)
Reading I: Amos 6:1, 4–7 (Woe to the Complacent); Reading II: 1 Timothy 6:11–16 (Compete Well for the Faith); Gospel: Luke 16:19–31 (The Rich Man and Lazarus)
Adults: What helps me develop compassion for the “poor at my door”?
Children: How can I share my blessings with those in need?

How do you treat those you classify as “poor”? Whom do you ignore? What needs/persons do you find it easiest to disregard? Who are today’s prophets and how do they make you uncomfortable?
(NCCL weekly newsletter)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Faith Formation Classes

The Family Mass last night along with classroom visitation went well.  If anyone has not registered yet please do so as soon as possible so we have the materials for the first class next week.  Contact the parish office if you have misplaced your registration packet.

Friday, September 17, 2010

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 19, 2010 (Serving God)
Reading I: Amos 8:4–7 (The Lord Doesn’t Forget); Reading II: 1 Timothy 2:1–8 (One God); Gospel: Luke 16:1–13 (Serving One Master)
Adults: How often do I speak for justice or act with generosity?
Children: When do I have a chance to make sure that others are treated fairly?
Reading 1: Families might want to sit down and discuss whether the activities they do or the things they buy reflect their true values. Some families struggle to have enough. "Doing without" is a way of life. Some families who have enough, or more than enough, try to share with those who have less. Take a look at your possessions. How might you share some of them with those who have less? What other ways can you share your "time, talent, and treasure" with those who struggle just to have enough?
Reading 2: This letter states that the men "shall offer prayers with blameless hands held aloft." 
This gives us an idea of the way these early Christians prayed. We can pray sitting, standing, or kneeling. We can pray with our hands folded or held "aloft"?usually palms up. In the Jewish religion and in the early Church, men (and women) prayed while standing. The Mass was offered while standing. Even sermons or homilies were given while people stood. (Saint Augustine apologizes for the length of his sermons, as he knows people are standing as they listen to him.) This custom of standing in prayer is kept today in many parishes of the Eastern Church. In the Roman Catholic Church, kneeling was introduced as a practice of penance by the Irish monks. This practice later spread to other places, including the United States. How do you like to pray? Why?  Do you remember to pray for those leaders whose decisions affect our nation's values? Gospel: What "riches" do you have and how do you use them? How do you share your money with those who have less? How do you use your money to care for yourself? How do you use your money to care for others?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Catechetical Sunday 2010

This weekend we are celebrating Catechetical Sunday, the theme this year is Marriage Sacrament of Enduring Love.  We would like to thank everyone who teaches for REGIS as well as those volunteers who have come forward to work with the youth and adults in our parish as catechists.  This year the catechists for Religious Education are:  SS Nila Bourdage; 1A Deb Eklof; 1B Laura Pichler; 2A Diana DeWolf; 2B Rhonda Nispel; 3A Cindy Berg; 3B Rebecca Bredl; 4A Rose Adams; 4B Margetta Souder; 5A Tam Schmitz; 5B Bill Hessel; 6A Sara Peterson; 6B Beth Okas; 7 & 8 Ricky Duss and 7th & 8th grade small faith group facilitators, Janet Dubec.    The catechists working with Youth Ministry are: Gina Ostrowski; Chris McAnarney; Mike Brahmer & Renee Connor.  Our Pre-Baptism team includes: Charly & Ryan Kostka; Angel & Cam Olson and Laura & Sam Rubenzer.  And those working with RCIA are: Nancy Sires and Billie Walta along with the sponsors who travel with the candidates and catechumens throughout the process.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lost and Found)
Reading I: Exodus 32:7–11, 13–14 (Moses Implores the Lord); Reading II: 1 Timothy 1:12–17 (Christ Came to Save Sinners); Gospel: Luke 15:1–32 (The Prodigal Son)
Adults: In what way might it be difficult for me to accept that God is good even with sinners? Explain.
Children: How did I feel when I lost something for a time and then found it later?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Religious Education Registration

Registration packets have been mailed. Please remember to fill out the forms and return them before RE classes for the year 2010-2011 begin on Wednesday, September 22nd with a family mass at 6:15 and classroom visitation following mass.
Check back here for weekly calendar updates.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 5, 2010 (Being Disciples)
Reading I: Wisdom 9:13–18b (The Lord’s Intentions); Reading II: Philemon 1:9–10, 12–17 (Receive Him as a Brother); Gospel: Luke 14:25–33 (Renouncing Posessions)
Adults: What can I do to recall the good things in my life rather than allow my burdens to paralyze me?
Children: When I am sad or upset, what good things can I remember to give me hope?

Reading 1: The gift of wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. How can we open ourselves to this gift?
Reading 2: According to the customs of the time, Philemon had the legal right to punish Onesimus, who was his "property." But Paul spoke up for Onesimus and helped him. Can you speak up for people who are being treated badly and need help? How?
Gospel: Do you choose Jesus each day in your life? Why or why not? How? How are you learning more about Jesus so that you can choose to follow him? How does your choice of following Jesus make life better for others in your family and among your friends? What are your responsibilities in life? How do you choose to carry them out?