Tuesday, April 22, 2014

1st Week of Easter

Did you ever wonder why the women went to the tomb early on Sunday morning to take care of Jesus’ body? In the Jewish tradition the Sabbath is celebrated from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday. Since, Jesus’ death took place late Friday afternoon they had to very quickly get him into his tomb and did not have the time to properly prepare his body for burial so the ladies were going on Sunday morning to take care of his body in the proper way. They had fragrant spices with them to embalm his body and fresh wraps as well.

What a surprise for them when they arrive and find the angels who helped remove the stone in front of the tomb. And even more of a surprise when they ask them why they are looking for Jesus among the dead. I am sure they were thinking who are these crazy people and what are they talking about especially when they also announced that Jesus had risen.

There is this tradition called an “Easter Egg Roll” that takes place on Easter. This is meant to remind us of the stone being rolled away from the opening to the tomb. Did you know that is where that tradition originated? Until I was finding things to write in this blog post I hadn’t heard that. It only makes sense. Maybe this week you could have a family “Easter Egg Roll.” Set a start line and a finish line then each family member has to roll their egg from start to finish, but wait they would have to do it on their hands and knees and push the egg with their noses! Yes you read that correctly, and to make it even more fun they should be raw eggs so the first one to get across the finish line and not have a broken egg would be the winner.

Any outdoor activity around Easter can remind us of the angels’ words about looking for life, a walk in the park, visiting a zoo, or planting some seeds to transplant into your gardens. What else can you think of to do over the next several weeks to celebrate the Easter Season? Remember the Easter Season lasts until Pentecost!

Do you remember another part of the Easter story involved Jesus meeting 2 of his disciples on the road to Emmaus? They didn’t realize it until he broke bread with them. As we spend time outdoors this Easter Season we need to keep our eyes open for Jesus because we never know where we will meet him.

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