Monday, May 19, 2014

Easter Animal Legends

Did you realize there are other animal legends associated with the Easter Season besides the Easter Bunny? There are and it is amazing what stories come from these animals both real and imaginary. The most interesting of these Eastertime legends are about mythological animals that are symbols of our risen Lord.

The unicorn is one. Yes, you read that correctly the mythical one-horned animal that resembles a horse is also known for laying down its life for the innocent. Just as Jesus laid down his life for all of us. Another one is the hydra, which is a many headed serpent. It is claimed that the hydra was swallowed whole by a crocodile and it freed itself by munching away at the crocodile from the inside out. Just as Jesus fought his way through sin and death to rise again and bring salvation to all. Then the pelican that is said to feed its babies from its own blood. Sound familiar? We to eat and drink the body and blood of Jesus when we celebrate the Eucharist. The phoenix, which is the beautiful bird that dies in a fire of palm fronds, rises again from the ashes to become even more beautiful. Again, there is the rising from the dead.

In Revelation and in other books of the Bible dragons are mentioned as being fierce and even having many heads. Jesus is said to slay the dragon or in reality sin and death. St. George who is said to have battled with a dragon and won has his feast day on April 23rd. Is it any wonder that this slayer of the dragon is celebrated during the Easter Season? Jesus has won the victory over sin and death and we celebrate his resurrection with joy and anticipation of joining Him in heaven someday.
( resources from Our Easter Zoo ©1991, Liturgy Training Publications, Christine Kenny-Sheputis)

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